Penfield Family Genealogy
July 2015 Edition
Birth |
Annie J. |
SC |
27 Aug 1880 |
United States Census, 1930 [ Data ] United States Census, 1930 [ Image ] Find a Grave [ Grave ] |
17 |
Marriage |
to Stonewall Jackson |
ca 1898 |
United States Census, 1930 [ Image ] |
20 |
Literacy |
Cannot read and write |
30 |
Birth of son |
Sidney Lee Jackson |
Robeson County, NC |
18 May 1911 |
North Carolina, Deaths [ Data ] North Carolina, Deaths [ Image ] |
49 |
Occupation |
Helper, Farm |
Parkton, NC |
1 Apr 1930 |
United States Census, 1930 [ Image ] |
49 |
Residence |
Parkton, NC |
1 Apr 1930 |
United States Census, 1930 [ Data ] United States Census, 1930 [ Image ] |
75 |
Death of spouse |
Stonewall Jackson |
7 May 1956 |
Find a Grave [ Grave ] |
81 |
Death of son |
Sidney Lee Jackson |
Lumberton, NC |
24 Oct 1961 |
North Carolina, Deaths [ Data ] North Carolina, Deaths [ Image ] |
87 |
Death |
Annie J. |
15 Apr 1968 |
Find a Grave [ Grave ] |
Burial |
Adams Cemetery |
Hope Mills, NC |
Find a Grave [ Grave ] |
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