This Web genealogy contains 10883 family pages, 5253
showing a couple and 5630 a single person (2933 male and
2654 female and 43 with unknown sex).
These 10883 family pages arrange 15289 different people
(7712 male and 7534 female and 43 with unknown sex) into
their genealogical relationships, and mention, without details,
other parents or children.
Of these 15289 people 4446 are believed to be living so information about them is withheld to protect their privacy.
These 15289 people include 5627 with no spouse, 8911 with one spouse, and some with more spouses: 686 with 2; 49 with 3; 12 with 4; 1 with 5; and 3 with 6.
In this genealogy 6 family Branches (sometimes called Lines or Pedigrees) are defined. Each branch is one person (the Hub) together with his or her Ancestors, or Descendants,
or both. Members of a branch (and optionally their spouses) are labeled to show which
branch(es) they are in and their relationship to the Hub. This provides visitors a useful
aid to navigation.