Penfield Family Genealogy
July 2015 Edition
Personal Timeline, Maria Elizabeth Penfield
Age     Place Date Source
-34 Birth of father Augustine Penfield Chatham, CT 1 Mar 1819  
-33 Birth of mother Mary Selina Buckingham Hanover Green, NY 24 Jun 1820  
-10 Marriage of parents   Hanover Green, NY 1 Nov 1842
  Birth Maria Elizabeth Penfield Lee Center, NY 29 Aug 1852  
22 Marriage to Gustavus Plato   26 May 1875
26 Birth of son Earl Mason Plato Poughkeepsie, NY 10 Dec 1878  
42 Death of father Augustine Penfield Deansboro, NY 30 Dec 1894  
44 Death of spouse Gustavus Plato Vernon, NY 22 Dec 1896  
50 Marriage of son Earl Mason Plato to Jennie Hotalling   11 Feb 1903
50 Death of mother Mary Selina Buckingham Bolton Landing, NY 19 Feb 1903  
69 Death Maria Elizabeth Penfield Oneida, NY 18 Jan 1922  
Other pages for Maria Elizabeth Penfield: Family page with spouse Gustavus Plato
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